Reading Can Make You A Better Conversationalist

7 years ago

graphic © Fact 1: Reading can make you a better conversationalist. Fact 2: Neighbours will never complain that you…

Speak In Such A Way

7 years ago

graphic © "Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you. Listen in such a way…

Sometimes, We Come Into A Persons Life Not To Make Them Love Us

7 years ago

graphic © | photo - Pixabay "Sometimes, we come into a persons life not to make them love us…

Lately I’ve Been Replacing My “I’m Sorry’s” with “Thank You’s”

7 years ago

graphic © "Lately, I've been replacing my "I'm sorry's" with "Thank you's." Like instead of "Sorry I'm late," I'll…

Risks Of Being Diagnosed With Cancer

7 years ago

graphic © Risk of being diagnosed w/ cancer: In the year 1900 the risk was 1 in 30. In…

Always Remember That Your Present Situation Is Not Your Final Destination

7 years ago

graphic © | photo - "Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best…

With The Right Music You Either Forget Everything

7 years ago

graphic © "With the right music you either forget everything or you remember everything."

You Will Never Be Able To Escape From Your Heart

7 years ago

graphic © | photo - Pixabay "You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it is…

Humankind Has Not Woven The Web Of Life

7 years ago

graphic © | photo - Fotolia "Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread…

Never Get So Busy Making A Living

7 years ago

graphic © "Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life."