As I Look Back On My Life I Realize

4 years ago

Graphic © (with permission) As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I…

Accept Your Past Without Regret

4 years ago

Graphic © (with permission) Accept your past without regret, handle your present with confidence and face your future without…

We Must Beware Of A Tyranny Of Opinion

5 years ago

graphic © "We must beware of a tyranny of opinion which tries to make only one side of a…

Surrender To What Is

5 years ago

graphic © Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be.

Are You Happy?

5 years ago

graphic © Are You Happy? YES -> Keep doing whatever you're doing NO -> Do you want to be…

Sea Otters Holding Hands

5 years ago

graphic © eminentlyquotable.comImage - Wikipedia - lic. under CC 2.0 Did you know? (True Story) Sea Otters hold paws when…

There Is No Planet B

5 years ago

graphic © eminentlyquotable.comImage - Pixabay (PD) There is no planet b.

You Gotta Train Your Mind To Be Stronger

5 years ago

graphic © eminentlyquotable.comImage - Pixabay (PD) You gotta train your mind to be stronger than your emotions or else you'll…

I Miss My Dad

5 years ago

graphic © eminentlyquotable.comImage - Pixabay (PD) I MISS MY DAD The loss of your father, no matter how old you…

You’ve Got A New Story To Write

5 years ago

graphic © You've got a new story to write. And it looks nothing like your past.