Notice The People Who Are Happy For Your Happiness

5 years ago

graphic © Notice the people who are happy for your happiness, and sad for sadness. They're the ones who…

Nobody Wants To Hear This

5 years ago

graphic © Nobody wants to hear this, but sometimes the person you want most, is the person you're best…

No We Don’t Need More Sleep

5 years ago

graphic © "No we don't need more sleep. It's our souls that are tired, not our bodies. We need…

New Beginnings Are Often Disguised

5 years ago

graphic © eminentlyquotable.comImage - Pixabay (PD) New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. - Lao Tzu

Never Stop Being A Good Person

5 years ago

graphic © eminentlyquotable.comImage - Pixabay (PD) Never stop being a good person because of bad people.

Never Say Mean Words Out Of Anger

5 years ago

graphic © Never say mean words out of anger. Your anger will pass, but your mean words can scar…

Never Leave Home Without A Hug

5 years ago

graphic © eminentlyquotable.comImage - Pixabay (PD) Never leave home without a hug, a kiss, and an "I love you".

Never Give Up, Never Lose Hope

5 years ago

graphic © eminentlyquotable.comImage - Pixabay (PD) Never give up, never lose hope. Always have faith, it allows you to cope.…

My To Do List For Today

5 years ago

graphic © MY TO-DO LIST FOR TODAY: 1. Count my blessings. 2. Practise kindness. 3. Let go of what…

My Only Relationship Goal Is To Be With Someone Who Motivates Me

5 years ago

graphic © eminentlyquotable.comImage - Pixabay (PD) My only relationship goal is to be with someone who motivates me to become…