Common Sense Is Not A Gift, It’s A Punishment

5 years ago

graphic © Common sense is not a gift, it's a punishment. Because you have to deal with everyone who…

Classy Is When You Have A Lot To Say

5 years ago

graphic © "Classy is when you have a lot to say but you choose to remain silent in front…

Calm Is A Super Power

5 years ago

graphic © eminentlyquotable.comImage - Pixabay (PD) Calm is a super power.

Believe Good Things Are On The Way

5 years ago

graphic © Believe good things are on the way.

Being Someone’s First Love May Be Great

5 years ago

graphic © eminentlyquotable.comImage - Pixabay (PD) Being someone's first love may be great, but to be their last is beyond…

Before You Speak

5 years ago

graphic © Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates: "Is it true?" "Is it necessary?" "Is…

Be Yourself: Weird. Wonderful.

5 years ago

graphic © eminentlyquotable.comImage - Pixabay (PD) Be yourself: Weird. Wonderful. Sensitive. Impulsive. Crazy. Mystical. Vulnerable. Lovable. Magical. Beautiful. The right…

Be Yourself Always. Don’t Change So People Will Like You

5 years ago

graphic © Be yourself always. Don't change so people will like you. The right people will love the real…

Be Selective With Your Battles

5 years ago

graphic © eminentlyquotable.comImage - Pixabay (PD) Be selective with your battles. Sometimes peace is better than being right.

Be Grateful For Every Second Of Every Day

5 years ago

graphic © Be grateful. For every second of every day that you get to spend with the people you…