The Axe Always Forgets

5 years ago

Background - Pixabay(PD). Graphic © "The axe always forgets. The tree always remembers." - Paulo Coelho

The Best Feeling In The Entire World Is When You Realize

5 years ago

Graphic © "The best feeling in the entire world is when you realize you could walk directly into your…

The Matrix Is A System

5 years ago

Graphic © "The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is a our enemy. But when you're inside, you…

May The Sun Shine Warm Upon Your Face

5 years ago

Background - Pixabay(PD). Graphic © May the sun shine warm upon your face and rains fall soft upon your…

I Forgive People But That Doesn’t Mean I Accept Their Behavior

5 years ago

Graphic © I forgive people but that doesn't mean I accept their behavior or trust them. I forgive them…

I Cannot Even Imagine Where I Would Be Today

5 years ago

Background - Pexels(PD). Graphic © I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that…

10 Things That Will Always Be Cool

5 years ago

Graphic © 10 Things That Will Always Be Cool: 1. Saying "Thank you." 2. Apologizing when you're wrong. 3.…

Don’t You Wish You Could Invoice People For Wasting Your Time

5 years ago

Graphic © "Don't you wish you could invoice people for wasting your time." -Ranee

Don’t Believe Those Who Tell You They Love You

5 years ago

Background - Pexels(PD). Graphic © Don't believe those who tell you they love you. Believe those who show you…

Don’t Change Yourself So That Other People Will Like You

5 years ago

Background - Pexels(PD). Graphic © Don't change yourself so that other people will like you. Be yourself so that…