Kindness Costs Nothing

7 years ago

graphic © "Kindness: costs nothing. Makes everything better."

Earth Was Created For All Life Not Just Human Life

7 years ago

graphic © "Earth was created for all life not just human life."

We Waste Our Whole Life Preparing For The Future

7 years ago

graphic © "We waste our whole life preparing for the future, not realizing that the only way to be…

Open Your Mouth Only If What You Are Going To Say Is More Beautiful Than Silence

7 years ago

graphic © "Open your mouth only if you are going to say is more beautiful than silence." - Arabic…

The Difference Between Who You Are And Who You Want To Be

7 years ago

graphic © | photo - "The difference between who you are and who you want to be is…

When You Start To Believe In Miracles

7 years ago

graphic © "When you start to believe in miracles, you begin to see miracles all around you." - Leslie…

The Sign Of Beautiful Person

7 years ago

graphic © | photo - "The sign of a beautiful person is that they always see beauty in…

It Is Not Death That A Man Should Fear

7 years ago

graphic © "It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live."…

Let Me Call Your Attention To A Great Power

7 years ago

graphic © "Let me call your attention to a great power which is under your control. A power that…

I Can Choose Either To Be A Victim Of The World Or An Adventurer

7 years ago

graphic © | photo - Pixabay "I can choose either to be a victim of the world or an…