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Be Happy With What You Have

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“BE HAPPY with what you have while working for what you want.” – Helen Keller

Helen Adams Keller (1880-1968) was an American educator, author, and political activist who became the first deafblind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree. Despite her incapabilities, she went down in history as a well-traveled, cheerful, charming, yet courageously outspoken woman with a mission. Her inspiring life story made her a leading figure of the twentieth century and world’s best known person with deafblindness. She is credited for transforming the way the world viewed people with disabilities.

Keller was born healthy but became very ill with a high fever at the age of 19 months. The illness, diagnosed by doctors at that time as “brain fever,” totally damaged her sight and hearing. Modern-day experts believe that she suffered from scarlet fever or meningitis.

Life would have been different for Keller if it weren’t for her teacher and companion for nearly 50 years, Anna Sullivan. After graduating valedictorian from Perkins School for the Blind, she moved to Alabama to become Keller’s teacher. Her tireless efforts helped the young wild Keller find a better way to communicate than throwing tantrums. Anne helped her young student make sense of the world despite being deafblind. Keller later remarked that meeting Anna was the most important day in her life.

Gradually, Keller became self-sufficient enough to study on her own and write about various topics to improve the lives of others. Her active involvement on important issues in her time, unpopular her opinions may be, caught the attention of great minds, including Mark Twain.

She went on to become a prolific author, writing over 12 books and numerous articles throughout her life.

Keller’s life story is an inspiration to many, as she overcame great obstacles to achieve her goals and aspirations. Her quote is a reminder that true happiness and fulfillment come from within, and that we should strive to find contentment in the present moment while working towards our goals.

Keller also advocated for the rights of people with disabilities and was a member of the Socialist Party of America and the Industrial Workers of the World. She also worked with organizations such as the American Foundation for the Blind and Helen Keller International, which is focused on preventing blindness and promoting health.

The quote by Helen Keller reminds us to find contentment and happiness in the present moment while still striving for our goals and aspirations. It’s a reminder that true happiness is not something that can be attained by external means, but rather it comes from within. By being grateful for what we have and accepting our current circumstances, we can find peace and satisfaction, even as we work towards something better.

In addition, Keller’s quote encourages us to adopt a mindset of gratitude and positivity, instead of focusing on what we lack or want. When we appreciate what we have, it can help us to be more productive and motivated to work for what we want. It can also help us to be more content with our current situation and less likely to be bogged down by feelings of dissatisfaction.

A list of some of the books authored by Helen Keller:

“The Story of My Life” (1903)
“The World I Live In” (1908)
“Out of the Dark” (1913)
“The Open Door” (1957)
“Teacher: Anne Sullivan Macy” (1955)
“My Religion” (1927)
“Midstream: My Later Life” (1929)
“Peace at Eventide” (1914)
“The Song of the Stone Wall” (1910)
“The Frost King” (1891)

She wrote many articles and essays as well.

Here are five further quotations by Helen Keller:

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”
“Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all – the apathy of human beings.”

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.”

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