Always Help Someone

Always Help Someone. Graphic © (with permission) “Always help someone. You might be the only one who does.” This little gem illustrates a common …

Sometimes, I Forget

Sometimes, I Forget To Thank The People. Graphic © (with permission) “Sometimes, I forget to thank the people who make my life happy in …

The 3 C’s Of Life

The 3 C’s Of Life. graphic © “The 3 C’s Of Life: Choices, Chances, Changes. You must make the choice, to take a chance, …

When You Leave This World

Graphic © (with permission) “When you leave this world, you take nothing from earth with you, and the main thing you leave behind is …

Take Care Of Yourself

Graphic © (with permission) “Take care of yourself. Go for a walk, eat your favorite food, get a haircut, read a book, take a …